Word Puzzle – thiruppAvai 3

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:

pAsuram 3:

In this pAsuram ANdAL is celebrating the most pure, honest and very helpful emperumAn in the form of trivikrama perumAL. ANdAL describes what good will happen to the world if one devotee of emperumAn met krIshNa. Imagine the goodness that would happen when the 5 lakh gOpikas meet krIshNa.

ANdAL quotes the “vibhava” form of emperumAn. vibhava denotes the many avathAras that emperumAn took in this world to save his devotees.


Playing instructions:

1. Find the word you are looking for

2. Click and drag from the first letter to the end of the word

3. See that the list of words decreases!

4. Puzzle ends when there are no more words in the list

[wordsearch-mp ws_size=600 ws_dimension=20 mywordlist=’Ongi,Ulagalanda,Uthaman,Mummaripeidhu,Onguperumsennal,kudamniraikkum,vallal,perumpasukkal,neengaadhaselvam’ ws_bgcolor=’#000000′ ws_foundcolor=’99CC99′ ws_bgcolor=’#000000′ ws_fontcolor=’#ffffff’]



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