Group Games

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:

Back to Godhead - Volume 12, Number 01 - 1977

1) Memory Game

Group No: Any number of people

1. First person starts with saying some name , for example, namperumAL.
2. In sequence, second person would add one more thirunAmam (name) to namperumAL and says – namperumAL, srIranganAchiyAr.
3. And so on, as the process continues, last person would have to memorize the names and list.

2) anthAdhi

Group No: Any number of people

1. First person starts with saying some name, for example , namperumAL.
2. Second person would spell out second thirunAmam (name) starting with ‘L’ (example: lOkanAtha).
3. And so on, as the process continues, last person would continue. This is similar to Antakshari of songs.

Extension: It can be extended to dhivya prabandham pAsuram words at an advanced level.

3) Divya Prabandham games

Group No: Any number of people

1. First person would say any single word (for example, mArgazhi thingaL) and the prabandham
2. Second person needs to answer the prabandham name and the pAsuram.

Extension: It can be extended to dhivya prabandham pAsuram words at an advanced level.

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