SrI rAmAyaNam – Beginner’s guide

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

In our bhAratha dhESam, the two prominent epics SrI rAmAyaNam and mahAbhAratham have been celebrated for centuries. SrI rAmayaNam has been quoted in many of our pUrvAchAryas’ works and compositions. SrI rAmAyaNam is a beautiful treasure that showcases the exemplary life of SrI rAma. Furthermore, it also reveals the greatness of sIthAp pirAtti and displays personalities like SrI lakshmaNan, SrI bharathAzhwAn, SrI SathrughnAzhwAn, SrI hanumAn, SrI guhap perumAL, and SrI vibIshaNAzhwAn. 

It is imperative for the young generation/children to learn SrI rAmAyaNam. SrI kulaSEkara AzhwAr, in his perumAL thirumozhI, has composed 11 beautiful pAsurams about SrI rAma’s life and his great qualities. Here we will experience SrI rAmAyaNam based on kulaSEkara AzhwAr’s pAsurams and kAnchIpuram prathivAdhi bhayankaram aNNangarAchAryar swAmy’s narration. AndAL PAtti, our storyteller, will narrate the fascinating stories in SrI rAmAyaNam in a way that will be very interesting and enjoyable for children.

  • Divine Birth of SrI rAma
  • The arrival of Sage viSvAmithra
  • DhaSaratha fulfills his promise
  • manthra upadhESam on the banks of the sarayU River
  • thAtakA, who tormented the sages
  • thAtakA gets slain
  • History of siddhASramam
  • SrI rAma and lakshmaNa protect viSvamithra’s yAga
  • The prince(s)’ journey to mithilA
  • The one who turned a stone into a woman
  • The arrival of the prince(s) to mithilA
  • The challenge set by King janaka
  • SrI rAma breaks SivA’s bow
  • dhaSaratha comes to mithilA
  • Sage vasishta explains the ikshvAku lineage

Source –

adiyEn akshay bAlAji rAmAnuja dhAsan

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