srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
hanumAn (thiruvadi) returns to srI rAmA and conveys the message about where sItA pirAtti is kept hidden. hanumAn (thiruvadi), also brings the chUdAmaNi (head ornament) that sItA pirAtti sent to be shown to srI rAmA. Finish the puzzle below to see the devout hanumAn return the chUdAmaNi and get the blessing of srI rAmA.
srI rAmA is extremely pleased with tiruvadi’s devotion and hugs him for bringing back promising news about sItA pirAtti. Make the puzzle below that captures the famour rAmA Alinganam, the wonderful hug given by srI rAmA, that hanumAn cherishes to this day.
So great is the devotion of hanumAn (tiruvadi), that even today hanumAn is supposed to be present at any place where srI rAmAyaNam is recited or discussed. Like hanumAn, let us also keep srI rAmA, sItA, lakshmaNA in our hearts forever.
bolO sItA rAm ki jai!
hanumAn and srI rAmA series