srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
hanumAn, also known as thiruvadi is a very important character in srI rAmAyaNam. hanumAn is called thiruvadi because of his service to srI rAmA and sItA pirAtti. hanumAn was born to the demi-god vAyu and anjanA dEvi. Make the puzzle below to know anjanA dEvi and hanumAn:
anjanA dEvi and hanumAn (thiruvadi)
hanumAn was a very powerful, gifted and mischievous child. hanumAn was known to tease the rishIs while they were in meditation and once hanumAn flew to the sun, thinking it was a fruit. After this incident, the rishIs cursed hanumAn slightly, such that hanumAN would forget how powerful he was. Make the puzzle below that captures hanumAn reaching out to the sun.
thiruvadi (hanumAn) reaching the sun