Learn periya thiruvandhAdhi (பெரிய திருவந்தாதி)

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Author – nammAzhwAr

Santhai class schedule, joining details, full audio recordings (classes, simple explanations (speeches) etc) can be seen at http://pillai.koyil.org/index.php/2017/11/learners-series/ .

Santhai (Learning) classes (ஸந்தை வகுப்புகள்)

thaniyan, pAsurams 1 to 10

pAsurams 11 to 20

pAsurams 21 to 30

pAsurams 31 to 40

pAsurams 41 to 50

pAsurams 51 to 60

pAsurams 61 to 69

pAsurams 70 to 78

pAsurams 79 to 87


English – http://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2018/10/periya-thiruvandhadhi/

Lectures (in thamizh)