krishNa kshEthrams – North

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:

krishNa is one of the 10 incarnations of the Supreme Lord – srIman nArAyaNa. Many places in bhAratha dhEsam are associated with krishNa in many different ways. Make the puzzles below that capture some of the place associated with krishNa, in the northern parts of bhAratha dhEsam.

mathurA is the birth place of krishNa. krishNa was born in a jail, as krishNa’s uncle kamsa heard a prophecy that the 8th child of his sister dhEvaki would be the one to kill him. In order to be aware of which child would be kamsa’s end, kamsa locked dhEvaki and her husband vasudEva in a prison in mathurA. Below is a puzzle of the krishNa temple in mathurA as seen today.

Due to the impending danger of kamsa, krishNa was moved secretly, as soon as he was born to gOkula, which was full of yAdhavas who would milk cows for livelihood. gOkula was managed by srI nandhagOpa and his wife yasOdhA mAthA. krishNa would enjoy his childhood as a cowherd and would take his cows for grazing in the forest of vrindhAvan. The puzzle below captures one of the many temples of vrindhAvan, as seen today.


rangaji mandhir – vrindhAvan

Rangaji Mandir Vrindavan

Later in his life krishNa moved to dhwArakA and established an island kingdom. Make the puzzle below to see how dhwArakA stand today.



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