Learn SrI bhagavath gIthA (ஸ்ரீ பகவத் கீதை)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:githacharya-2ramanujar-4-formsbhagavath rAmAnuja at AzhwArthirunagari, SrIperumbUthUr, SrIrangam and thirunArAyaNapuram

Author – emperumAn (krishNa)

Santhai class schedule, joining details, full audio recordings (classes, simple explanations (speeches) etc) – http://pillai.koyil.org/index.php/2017/06/dhivya-prabandham-santhai-recordings/

Santhai (Learning) classes (ஸந்தை வகுப்புகள்)

audio/video  recordings (Click the links to download the files and listen)

SlOkams 1.1 – 1.23
SlOkams 1.24 – 1.47
SlOkams 2.1 – 2.25
SlOkams 2.26 to 2.50

SlOkams 2.51 to 2.72

SlOkams 3.1 to 3.22

SlOkams 3.23 to 3.43

SlOkams 4.1 to 4.21

Session  audio/video  recordings – Explanation given for each SlOkam in both English and thamizh (எளிய விளக்கங்கள் தமிழிலும் ஆங்கிலத்திலும்)



— Recital by SrImathi vaishNavi

5 thoughts on “Learn SrI bhagavath gIthA (ஸ்ரீ பகவத் கீதை)”

  1. Swamin,
    can you please upload Gita shandai audio files from 4th adhyaya onwards. Last shandai file availablew is slokams (4.1 to 4.21).



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