Learn samskrutham

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:

samksrutham language is of great significance for srIvaishNavas since all the vEdhAntha granthams are available in this language. AzhwArs, out of great compassion, brought the essence of vEdham and vEdhAntham in simple thamizh language. pUrvAchAryas also wrote wonderful commentaries for AzhwArs’ dhivya prabhandhams in a style called maNi pravALam (freely using samskrutham words in thamizh writings). With knowledge in samskrutham, we can go deeper into our pUrvAchArya granthams and understand the vEdhAntha perspective in a very clear manner.

With this objective, we are presenting the samskrutham tutorial here. The classes will be conducted by srI (Dr) nArAyaNan swamy who is currently the HOD (Head of the Department) Sanskrit, in Indian School, Al Ghubra, Muscat, Oman. He will explain the principles in a simple and easy to follow manner with reference to examples from pUrvachArya granthams wherever possible.

7 thoughts on “Learn samskrutham”

  1. Respected sir
    I am not able to retrieve lesson 2 .How to get that. The link given in lesson 1 is not operational. Pl help me

    • Due to unexpected commitments for the teacher, the course has been suspended for now. The external link is maintained by some one else and it does not seem to work – we dont have any control over that website.
      adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan


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